FPGA Design with Verilog and VHDL
Hello, looking for design services for your FPGA project? Well look no further, you've found the gig which will meet all your FPGA programming needs. Although, Verilog and VHDL are the primary hardware descriptive languages that are used for FPGA designing, I can also help you design your project with the following domains:
- Verilog / System Verilog
- C & C++
- MATLAB (Signal Processing)
Some projects I recently completed, involving both Xilinx and Altera FPGAs are listed for reference:
- Finite State Machines FSM Mealy and Moore
- Karnaugh Maps and Truth Tables
- Counters, Encoders/Decoders
- Multiplexer and Demultiplexer
- Clock Dividers
- Seven Segment Displays
- PS-PL Hardware Acceleration
- High Speed ADCs and DACs
- Signal Modulation and Demodulation
- Fourier Transform (FFT) and IFFT
- Zynq, Microblaze, SoC, Nios Based Designs
- Video Processing (HDMI, VGA etc)
- Image Processing
- Sensor Integration
Before placing an order, please share project details for customized offers.