If you are writing a book, be it non-fiction or fiction, I'm here to help! I'm pretty versatile when it comes to what stages I can work with authors to make their work the best it can be. Essentially, that is my goal. To work hand in hand with authors and to not only polish their work, but to bring to life. Below are some brief descriptions of duties I can do as a freelance editor: Substantive editor—the editor helps a writer improve his or her fiction manuscript by focusing on story elements, plot, characterization, dialogue, order of scenes, point of view, voice, setting, word choice, sentence construction and syntax, and pace—anything that could improve the strength of the manuscript. Substantive editors do not usually work with a writer from the beginning stages, but instead will come to a manuscript after the writer has completed several drafts. The editor points out weaknesses and suggests options to strengthen those areas. Examines both the big picture and the fine details of a manuscript (including grammar, spelling, and punctuation). Lastly, I can help a writer with a non-fiction manuscript by ensuring that sections lead logically from one to another, that there is consistency and flow, and that the right amount of information is presented. The editor will also make sure that conclusions are sound and come from what has been presented.