With my 7 years of game development experience and 10 years of 3D graphics experience, I may be of some use to you! Maybe you're thinking about getting into the game development industry. Or perhaps you're already experienced and you need someone to focus your raw talent in the best way possible! Or maybe you're just stuck and you need help with something. What ever the case may be, I will do everything within my power to make sure you're set on the right track! With my years in the trenches, I have acquired several skills that may help you, even some that are applicable to other industries! Such skills include (but are not limited to) programming in C# and C++, writing shaders, using Blender3D, game engine programming, creating 2D graphics in GIMP (Yes I have used Photoshop in the past, but do not have it right now), and producing music with Ableton Live and Audacity. Oh, and I've been playing cello for almost 15 years, so I can certainly help with that too! =)