Imagine a website where visitors get a premium and sophisticated look. I can give you such a website.
I am Toybur Rahman, a certified front end developer with 3 years of working sagacity. Having created the frontend for 50+ websites, I'm arranged to convey the same extraordinary comes about for your extend.
My Services:
- Figma to HTML with Vanila Css or Tailwind Css
- Figma to React with Vanila Css or Tailwind Css
- API Integration
- Good Structure of code
- Responsive For all of devices.
- Animations
- Browser Compatible
- Pixel Perfect
- Detailed code commentes and a spacial Note in Readme file.
Tools & Technologies:
- JavaScript
- jquery
- Typescript
- Bootstrap
- Tailwind (Most Used)
- Daisy Ui
- React Js
- React router
- Firebase
- API Integration
- ChartJs
- GitHub
- Figma
Well-known Technologies:
- Express js
- MongoDB
- Vercel
Why you should choose me:
- Unlimited Support
- 24/7 Availabilty
- Always be sincere to you
- Fast Delivery With Fulfill your Requirements.
- will Give my full effort to accomplish work.
Let's set a meeting with a cup of coffee and discuss about your projects.
Best Regards,
Toybur Rahman