Hello, My name is Asheesh Sharma and I am a front-end-focused freelance web developer with 9+ years of experience using Figma to Html5, Css3, jQuery/JavaScript, Angular, ReactJS and Vue. I assure you that I take every job seriously. I would love to help update and modernize your website based on your vision and needs for the website. I love working with Html5, Css3, and jQuery/JavaScript so naturally use UI frameworks such as Bootstrap, Material Design and Tailwind CSS. I'm very interested in this job. I do my best to be a good person to work with, and I'd love the chance to learn more about your project.
Lastly, I would love to set up a meeting for us to further discuss the project and your expectations.
Please have a look at the following links.
- http://khalidbouta.com/index.html (Html5, Css3, jQuery, Bootstrap)
- http://www.valeryhomes.com (Html5, Css3, jQuery, Bootstrap)
- https://plctronic.com/en/corporate-contact (Html5, Css3, jQuery, Bootstrap)
- https://www.behance.net/gallery/168574941/Angular-Material-15-Dashboard
Thank you!