I am front-end developer. My career was started in August 2009. Now I am doing a job as a Sr. Front-end developer and Sr. Web & graphic designer. 1. My expertise is in both DIV and Table Base conversion from PSD to XHTML. 2. I have done more than 500 different projects on almost all types of Fields. 3. I am full confident to covert XHTML to Responsive designs for tablet and mobile devices with HTML5 and CSS3. 4. I have also worked on about 50+ projects to convert them from HTML to WordPress themes. 5. I have full experience to manage JavaScript and jQuery to implement in our websites designs. 6. I provide W3C verified cross browsers compatible code to our clients. 7. Iphone and android Application Designing 8. Theme designing 9. Frame work designing 10. Expert on less sass and scss