I have over a decade of experience in developing Web and Mobile apps using latest state of the art technologies. Extensive documented track record of building apps using the MEAN Stack, LAMP Stack, MEVN Stack, React Stack, Xamarin and Hybrid platform. I’m full stack developer and can contribute on both frontend and backend using MEAN/MEVN Stack and Laravel and wide range of technologies. On frontend, I have expertise Vue/Angular, Angular Material, Vuex/Redux, Webpack/Gulp/Grunt, Material UI, Bootstrap 3/4+, D3, firebase, Ionic 1/2 and React. I have commands over: Version Control System (VCS): VCS Client: Task Runner: Module Bundler: TDD (Test Driven Development) tools: Other Technologies: Project Management Tools: Also worked on: These are not enough, I always seeking to learn new technologies, improve my skills and hesitate to share my experience and knowledge with teams