Hi, I can help you develop your site or application, implement a business logic, optimize your app, write API calls, animate the layout, make adaptive and responsive design of any complexity.
I have made a lot of awesome sites and web applications and I hope, I can help you with your products.
My competencies:
- Development with TypeScript and native JavaScript ( ES6+ )
- Pixel Perfect layout based on Figma/Photoshop layouts of any complexity
- Styling with native CSS, SASS/SCSS and Styled Components
- Create CSS/JavaScript/SVG animations
- Development of functional and class components
- Using application state management libraries ( Redux, RTK, MobX )
- Unit testing with Jest, React-Testing-Library
- Implementation of PWA technologies ( Service worker, App Shell, Push Notifications, etc. )
- Development of peer-to-peer architecture using webRTC - Webpack setup
- Component rendering optimization ( reconcilation, memorization, lazy loading )
- Static content loading optimization ( caching, service workers, defer and async )