The core set of my skills consists of AngularJS, Vue.js, frontend development and JavaScript(ES6). When I develop frontends I support them with all the needed markup, styling and graphics using Twitter Bootstrap, Angular Material, HTML5, SCSS and SVG. I also have solid amount of experience in creating UIs with Javascript libraries such as jQuery and jointJS. I can assemble an AngularJS or Vue.js project from scratch and make its code reusable by splitting it into modules and components. With Angular I use ui-router for routing and ng-resource for handling API data. As far as skills in front-end development, look for tools and technologies like: -- Fundamentals like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS -- CSS preprocessors like Sass and LESS -- JavaScript frameworks like Ember, AngularJS, React, etc., or JS-based build tools like Grunt, Gulp, and Bower -- Libraries like jQuery or Backbone.js -- Front-end (CSS) frameworks like Foundation or Bootstrap -- AJAX