I am an experienced Full-Stack Developer with more than 4 years of professional experience with various technology stack. I am comfortable working in a fast paced, deadline driven environment, using effective communication and prioritization between multiple tasks. Whether implementing an application from scratch to take to the MVP stage or reinforcing an existing team, I have experience in both.
REACT - react-hooks, create-react-app, routing using react-router (v4), state management via redux, async API communication via redux-thunk/redux-saga, testing via Jest/Mocha with ReactTestUtils/Enzyme, component lifecycle methods, presentational/container components, CSSTransitionGroups for animation, props checking, Material UI, optimization etc.
NODE/EXPRESS - routing, middleware, template engines like EJS,Pug etc, Nodemailer for mailing, Passport.js for authentication, Mongoose for MongoDB, Knex for SQL, streams, concurrency model/event loop, testing using Mocha etc.
PHP/LARAVEL - Modern and fast web applications based on Laravel, PHP7, MySQL, MongoDB, redis. Creating REST API modules for SPA applications. Skills with application and database architecture, high performance, OOP patterns.
GENERAL FRONTEND - Typescript, HTML5, CSS3 with flexbox, BEM syntax, Semantic UI, Sass/Compass for modular CSS, ES6, JQuery, Gulp/Webpack as build system, ESLint for linting, Material Design, Percy for visual testing, Accessibility compliance (WCAG), Progressive Web Apps etc
WORKFLOW: Git/Github for version control, JIRA for scrum sprints, Trello/Asana for kanban, Slack for communication, Skype/Google Hangouts for meetups, Photoshop for pixel perfect layouts, Swagger for API documentation, Circle CI for continuous integration, AWS etc