I am a full stack developer primarily working with both client-side JavaScript and server-side using NodeJS. I work with various modern web frameworks such as ExpressJS and HapiJS. I have experience working with template engines such as Pug (Jade), Ejs and Handlebars. For reactive SPA (single page applications) I enjoy working with VueJS. When SSR (server-side-rendering) is deemed necessary I will work with NuxtJS Specializations in custom integration between various web application platforms. For database I will use SQL or MongoDB when necessary. Experience using Google Firebase Realtime Database and AWS DynamoDB. I have recently been using Objection.js ORM which is based on Knex for working with SQL via NodeJS. Experience working with both Amazon Web Services (AWS) API Gateway / Lambda and Google Cloud Functions. For faster deployment of AWS API Gateway/Lambda I will sometimes use Claudia.js I have worked with web-socket based libraries such as Socket.io and can integrate into message queue services such as AWS SQS (Simple Queue Service). For cloud storage I have experience connecting to both AWS S3 and Google Cloud Storage. For desktop applications experience with ElectronJS (including install-shields/auto update service). For mobile applications experience using Cordova with front-end mobile UI frameworks like Framework7. Experience deploying mobile apps to app stores Google Play and Apple App Store. Related to eCommerce platforms, custom integrated solutions for platforms such as WooCommerce and Shopify using the APIs for these systems. I work with platforms such as Squarespace for providing clients with custom third-party API integrations. I have experience building web-scrapers, and automated scripts for performing various desktop/web tasks. Related to front-end web UI frameworks: I work with standard Bootstrap but can plugin to other front-end web UI frameworks like Semantic-UI. When I use VueJS I work with Vuetify which is based on Google Material Design or Buefy (vue UI components based on Bulma) Primary Server-Side Operating System Platforms: Linux (Ubuntu) , however can work with all *nix based variants. I have experience with setup/integration of transactional email service providers such as AWS SES, MailGun, SendGrid, Postmark. Analytics I have experience plugging into Google Analytics, Mixpanel or more agnostic platforms such as Segment. I also have experience building custom analytic client side libraries and collectors. DevOps: I deploy to cloud providers such as Amazon AWS EC2, DigitalOcean, Heroku, Linode). Recently I started using AWS Amplify. This works great when requiring a super streamlined continuous deployment pipelines. For source control I use Git (Bitbucket/GitHub). I can clone/push/pull/branch/fork/pull request. I comment my code and when necessary will write detailed markdown README files. I can build MVP (minimum viable products) and adhere to