I started to code at 19 years old. Was my first job as a Java programmer. Since then I improve my skills learning more technologies that completes a software prodution environment. 5 years ago I founded a startup that sells a software as a service. It's a CRM to a very specific niche: telecom dealers. Today I have 23 customers, 3 employees and 1 partner. I learned a lot developing this crm (as a developer and as a entrepreneur), and I'll use all my skills and efforts to help you accomplish your goals. I'm very familiar with unix systems, postgresql and oracle databases, java and javascript programming languages. I like to use Spring Boot as java framework to REST applications. I'm familiar with frontend techonologies like angular and reactjs. I did a lot of web scraping using Java Selenium library and apache Http library. I'm open to learn new technologies that will help my client demands.