I am Abhishek Makhwani, a results-driven Full Stack Developer with over 8 years of experience and expertise in leading web development teams. As a passionate problem solver and critical thinker, I take pride in my ability to deliver flexible and innovative solutions.
Technical Skills:-
- JavaScript
- JQuery
- TypeScript
- Angular 1, 2, 8, 10, 11, 12
- ReactJS
- ReactNative
- NodeJS
- RenderJS
- ExpressJS
- VueJS
- Php
- CodeIgniter
- Wordpress
- MySQLi
- MongoDB
- Lavavel
- Sri Venkateswara Temple Pittsburgh:- Website Link:- https://svtemple.org/
- Fannan Android Application:- Website Link : https://www.fannan.sa/
- CRM System:- Website Link:- https://safra.co.mz/
- Music Library:- Website Link:- https://mysound4you.com/
- Oshinstar:-Website Link:- https://www.oshinstar.com/
- GotoPitch:- Website Link:- https://gotopitch.ai/
- Quvu Live:-Website Link:- https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.roarapp
- MSEcoin:- Website Link:-https://mysound4you.com/
- TeachTeam:- Website Link:-http://teachteam.online
Thank you for your time.
Best regards,
Abhishek Makhwani.