I have 5+ years of
successful experience in full-Stack development.
It's a great
happiness for me to give you satisfaction through perfect delivery and
comfortable communication.
✔️ My Experiences
I have built a lot
of websites by using most of the Javascript and PHP frameworks such as React,
Angular, Vue, Laravel, Node.js, CI, Unity, OpenCV, and Desktop Applications.
I develop websites
for SaaS, CRM, eCommerce, Tutor, Real Estate, Betting, fitness, Education, etc.
Here are the skills
I am proficient in the most:
✔️ React: Very familiar with Functional component and
class components, Redux, Thunk, Saga, Formik, etc..
I often used
Material-UI, Ant Design, Semantic UI, Chakra UI, and Primeface for the UI
✔️ Angular: Worked with angularJs and Angular 2 - 15
and used Angular Material, NGX Bootstrap, NG Semantic-UI, NG Charts.
✔️Laravel: Worked with Laravel since 2017 so very
familiar with any version of Laravel and have rich experience in Laravel nova,
Forge, Eloquent, or something.
✔️Node.js: Worked on many projects using Node.js
frameworks- ExpressJs, Koa.js, Nest.js, AdonisJs, Lodash, or something.
✔️ Vue: Vuex, Material Kit, Vuetify, Vux, Element
I assist my clients
in clarifying requirements so that they get precisely what they need and I
deliver perfect results with maintainable and testable code.
As a senior web
developer with many years of software development experience, education, and
continuous training I not only apply my technical skills to your project, but I
also provide plenty of advice, suggestions, and help in shaping the plan to
make your next great idea becomes reality.
Please feel free to
contact me anytime.
Best regards.