Welcome to my profile.
I am a developer and software engineer with more than 8 years of development experience.
I has extensive knowledge of advanced mathematics and a strong background in programming.
I mastered in almost all programming languages such as c, c++, c#, java, php, python, delphi and so on.
My main programming skills are
-Web Programming
MEAN, MEAN, MEVN, Classic LAMP Stack
▪VieJS, AngularJS, ReactJs, EJs, jQuery, Bootstrap, ExtJs.
▪CodeIgniter, Lalavel
▪Nodejs, ExpressJs
▪REST api
WordPress, WooCommerce, Magento, Drupal, shopify, opencart
-Mobile Programming
▪Java, Kotlin, JNI
▪Objective-C, Swift
▪React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, Ionic
-Algorithm&Artificial Intelligense
▪Deep Learning based Object Detection, Classification, Tracking(Tensorflow, Keras, Yolo, pytorch)
▪Tree based Searching Algorithms
▪Dijkstra’s Algorithm, A* shortest path algorithms
I have experience algorithm field (graph theory, queue, maximum flow, dijkstra, dynamic problems, MST, RMQ, LCA, maze solving, stack, set, map, etc..)
▪Unreal Engine, Unity 3D, Cocos2d
▪Babylon.js, Three.js
Advanced Developer
Thanks for visiting profile.
I am a developer with more than 5 years of development experience.
My programming skills:
NodeJs, ExpressJs
CodeIgniter, Lalavel
MySQL, SQL Server, MSSQL, PostgreSQL, NoSQL
VieJS, AngularJS, ReactJs, EJs, Bootstrap, jQuery, ExtJs.
eCommerce(WordPress, WooCommerce, shopify, opencart, Magento, Drupal)
Full Stack(MEVN, MEAN, MEAN)
Java, Kotlin, JNI, Objective-C, Swift
React Native, Flutter, Xamarin, Ionic
Artificial Intelligence
Deep Learning(Tensorflow, Keras, Yolo, pytorch)
Computer Vision(Opencv, Dlib, CImg)
Dijkstra’s Algorithm, A* shortest path algorithms, RMQ, MST, LCA,
maze solving
Unreal Engine, Unity 3D, Cocos2d, WebGL, Three.js, Babylon.js