1. Blockchain
- Solidity
- Smart Contract, ERC20, BEP20, TRC20, ERC721/ERC721A/ERC721R, ERC1155
- Web3.js, Ether.js, Web3.py and MetaMask
- NFT marketplace, NFT mint site, NFT transfer site, NFT gambling site
- Merkle Tree WL, Opensea API, IPFS, HashLip
- Python and Node.js
2. Web Frontend
- React.js, Redux, Redux-Saga, Redux-thunk
- TypeScript
- React-Native/Expo
- Vue3, Composition API, Vuex, Vuetify
- Angular, Ngrx
- Styled-component, Tailwindcss
- Material UI, Ant Design, BootStrap, HTML, CSS, Canvas
3. Web Backend
- JavaScript - Node.js, Express.js
- PHP - Laravel, WordPress
- Python - Django, Flask
- Ruby on Rails
4. Web Server
- AWS (Certificated)
- Google Cloud
- Digital Ocean
5. Project Management
- Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket
- Jira, Trello, Microsoft Team