Hi namaste!
I believe I am a perfect match for this job as I am passionate about technology plus having sound knowledge of industry helps me get better understanding. More than anything else I love to create solutions that really help people to ease life.
Strong points:
✔ 6+ years of experience in backend technologies like Ruby On Rails, Node js, express, java. MongoDB, PostgreSql and Mysql as database.
✔ 5+ years of experience in UI/UX, HTML, CSS, PHOTOSHOP, FIGMA, ADOBE XE etc.
✔ 5+ years of experience in frontend frameworks like Angular, React js, Ionic with strong javascript and TypeScript base.
✔Strong knowledge of firebase and realtime data interaction and websockets.
I believe my abilities would be perfect for this project. I will be serving you with all my hard work and skills.
Let's have a quick chat to discuss it in more detail. Looking ahead!
Akshita sandal