I am a Software Developer turned Entreprenuer. I have 5 years of Full Stack Development and 21 projects delivery experience. I have full time experience in handling clients, handling projects, leading technical teams, building softwares from scratch. I have worked in projects irrespective of industry, size and location. My 'can do' attitude, ability to adopt new technologies, willingness to work with global teams and my enthusiam to build software solutions are my biggest strengths and are helping me gear up in my journey. I can work with you in any stage of your product life cycle. I will work with you on your idea and to bring a working software product to market. I will sit with you in strategizing a road map, deciding on the architecture, choosing your tools, building the software in BDD/TDD framework to reduce bugs and deploying to any cloud of your choice. My Stack : ...the list goes on. The above mentioned skills are my own and I dont represent a team or a company. I am either sleeping or thinking/building a software. I am available anytime 24hrs/7days. I can be a value addition to your team. Thank you for reading all this long.