I have worked for 8+ years with React skill and am focused on Next.js technologies since 3 years ago, and I had 8 years of full-time job experience as a web developer.
Also, I have experience fixing some fatal bugs and then applying the project's execution.
And I have extensive experience in building high-quality sites, marketplace, and web applications.
I have experience developing NFT applications with SPA(MERN), SSR(Next) from scratch, or mockup methods.
I also have backend experience working with Docker, RoR, and Django.
Finally, I can spend my flexible time with you absolutely in the future.
+ Node.JS Next.js, and Express.js
+ React.js, React Native, JSX/ES6
+ Redux, Redux-Thunk, Hook
+ JavaScript
+ TypeScript
+ Django/Python
+ Ruby on Rails
+ PHP, MySQL, PgSQL, MongoDB, OOPs in PHP5-Core PHP
+ Apollo GraphQL
+ MongoDB, AWS amplify, MySQL, PostSql
+ Ionic, Gulp, WebPack, Ant Design, SVG, Kendo UI, WebQL
+ Git
+ Unit Test