Accuracy, imagination, and skill. These are the general features that describe me as a developer. I am willing to create better applications for the better world experiencing adventures of new knowledge. I like when systems work as they have to for your service because delighted customer means a delighted developer. I want my apps to come to you well-tested and done strictly close to the specification you provided. I master in Ruby and Rails, JavaScript and modern front-end technologies as more. Ruby Testing: Rspec, Faker, Factory-girl, database-cleaner, capybara, simlecov, timecop, rails-controller-testing, shoulda-matches, site-prism Deploy: Nginx,dalli_store, capistrano, capistrano-rails, capistrano-rvm, capistrano-puma, capistrano-bundler, capistrano-sidekiq Refactoring: Rubocop, byebug, web-console, bullet, better-errors Frontend-libraries: Font-awesome, select-2, jquery-validation, owl-carousel, gritter, full-calendar, autoprefixer, jquery-turbolinks, underscore.js, moment.js JavaScript: Jquery, es5-es7, Jquery-UI, Gulp, Webpack, Babel Databases – MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB Front end skill– HTML5, CSS3, SASS/SCSS, Twitter Bootstrap(3-4) , Materialize, Semantic-UI, Foundation, Admin-LTE