Competent with multiple programming languages (Java/JS/TS/python/C/C++/Rust/Go) and their respective toolchains (JDK/Gradle/Node/npm/poetry/bazel/gcc/clang/cargo/etc.)
Backend contributor to REST and GraphQL APIs made with Spring Boot, Express.js, koa-router, flask, and more
Frontend contributor to interactive dashboards and SEO optimized landing pages, blogs, and wikis made with React, Next.js, vue
Effective at handling the DevOps responsibilities of platforms like AWS and vercel, leveraging CI/CD technologies with github actions, and producing infrastructure as code definitions with terraform and pulumi
I have used this skillset to both dogfood internal services and support customer facing products. For example, with this strategy I unified a customer and developer auth story using OAuth2.0 and OpenID connect. This meant using keycloak to implement an identity provider, and adding the appropriate authorization servers (passport.js/Spring Security) to relying parties like web projects and API backends, then building a react dashboard and implementing custom GraphQL schema directives to provide intuitive management and application of token expiration/revocation/grants/claims through simple and secure interfaces
I can automate the generation of accurate and interactive documentation for your org and for your customers
I can complement your talent with code review, pair programming, live demos and training, and fine-tuned LLM agents trained on your own codebase
Author of many efficient and thorough unit tests (JUnit/vitest/jest/mocha/cucumber)
Skilled at browser automation with playwright, selenium, and apache guacamole for end to end tests/web scrapers/langchain agents
Creator and automator of mocked environments for these unit tests, as well as actual staging environments to blow up with e2e tests. I put a big emphasis on keeping these development environments reproducible for a productive team, and structurally realistic in staging to test changes confidently before they go to prod. I have also used these environments to perform load tests and validate performance assumptions (artillery/k6)
Big fan of collecting rich logs (micrometer and DataDog) to monitor and diagnose performance issues, and to automatically send alerts to on call duty members (Twilio or VoIP) for incident response
Experienced with integration of data pipeline components (PostgreSQL/ Redis/Kafka), leveraging/avoiding their managed equivalents (RDS/Elasticache/MSK), maintaining and applying SQL DDL/DML migrations, design and implementation of protobuf schemas, the apache spark ecosystem
In an emergency I can hack together a shell script to do pretty much anything with curl and jq
I have helped teams achieve GDPR and SOC2 compliance from a starting point of maybe-not-so-much compliance