I'm a passionate full-stack web and mobile application developer. As a senior software engineer, I have roughly 6+ years of experience. Passionate to work with and develop business automation solutions and projects that help people.
My areas of expertise:
Front-End Libraries/Frameworks: ReactJS, NextJs, Javascript, Styled Components, HTML, CSS, jQuery, AngularJS, Web3Js, MaterialUI, AJAX, Bootstrap, Ant Design, Lodash.
Back-End: Node.js, Nestjs, ExpressJS, PHP
Databases: MongoDB, Mongoose, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Sequelize, TypeORM, .
UnitTesting: Jest, Mocha, chai.
Codebase & Project Management: Git, Github, Gitlab, Bitbucket, Heroku, Jira, Azure, Trello, Asana.
Third-Party APIs Integration: Stripe, PayPal, Twilio, Shopify, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Google Maps, Google Custom Search, Youtube, Linkedin, oAuth integrations, and many more.
Along with all these listed expertise, I have a good deal of knowledge of different business domains and love to utilize them at any required instance.
Feel free to contact me. Do get in touch so we can discuss your project in detail.