-Comfortable with multiple Git workflows, and I am able to push code and configure through to multiple environments.
Knowledgable of current and emerging cyber security topics, including: challenges and risks, concepts and frameworks, and industry best practices.
Experienced with implementing UI designs using JS, CSS, HTML. Understand computer science fundamentals, algorithms, database models, data structures, and design patterns. Comfrotable with writing object-oriented code in Python, CPP, C# and Java.
Strong foundation of networking concepts, including Windows/linux networking protocols, firewalls, IPSec and SSL VPNs, routing, switching, and remote printing.
Writen and maintained clear design documentation. Experienced working in Blender, 3DMAX, SketchUp, adobe(photoshop and illustrator) and GIMP.
Experienced in using Django, Angular, developing REST APIs, using tools such as Andaconda, Jupyter Notebooks, Tableau, Matplot, Pyplot, Postgres and MySQL.