I am a 8+ year of experienced, full-stack web application developer. I work almost exclusively in Laravel, Python(Django, Django-rest, Flask), Ruby on Rails and MERN stack . I enjoy using it to build world-class applications. I’ve created a number of complex systems using Laravel and Rails including e-commerce sites, inventory management systems, scheduling systems, forum applications, Gaming systems. Also I have good experience with Netsuite. Over 8 years, I have worked as ERP consultant, developer and administrator with customization, administration and development in NetSuite including NetSuite SuiteScript platform and API - also experience in NetSuite SuiteCommerce, SuiteFlow business process automation, SuiteTalk web services integration, and SuiteCloud customization platform allowing clients to take NetSuite to the next level to best meet their business requirements and grow their businesses. My skills are: - Laravel 4.x, 5,x - Ruby on Rails 3.x.x, 4.x.x - HTML, HAML, CSS, SCSS, Twitter Bootstrap - Javascript, Coffescript,jQuery - AngularJS, Vue.js, Express.js, - Web Scraping - Shopify, Magento - E-commerce solution- Spree, Shoppe - Image & video uploading by Paperclip, Carrierwave - Social Api like Facebook,Google, Linkedin..etc - Payments Integration (Paypal, Braintree,Active Merchant, Authorize.net) - Databases Postgresql, Mysql, MongoDB - Search Engine: Elasticsearch, Thinking sphinx, sunspot solr. - Version control with Git - Background processing using Resque, Sidekiq - Server management: Heroku, Amazon AWS, EngineYard, Rackspace,