Greetings! Here is the list of my previous experience by technologies used: - JavaScript: selenium with various browsers, knockout.js, vue.js, some ReactNative skills for Android, a few chart libs, a lot of jquery and other libs, etc. - Python environment: virtualenv, supervisor, gunicorn+nginx as a base for a web distribution, fabric to deploy projects. - Git: all projects are hosted on the bitbucket / github / gitlab, active work with branches, all deployment are processed via git repos. - AWS: ec2, s3, cloudfront, rds, elb, sqs, opsworks. The custom cookbook was wrote for OpsWorks, a few layers, load-based instances + auto-scale instances (SQS length meters) all was tested in a Vagrant box. - Google Analytics: a complex data processing (ETL/DW) from the large site (also a lot of sources are used there: emails, APIs, ftp files with different types, databases)