Hi my name is Mahmoud Alsalmo and I am a full-stack web developer I can provide the following services:
1- Building the infrastructure for websites / Backend/ using PHP Laravel or node js.
2- Designing databases using /MySQL/ or /DynamoDB/.
3- Building the website interface /Frontend/ using /HTML/ or /React/ or /Angular/.
4- Format the website interface /Style/ using /CSS/, /SASS/, /Bootstrap/, /TailwindCSS/, /Ant Design/ or /Angular Material exclusively with Angular/.
5- Building an integrated website /Fullstack/ that includes all of the above.
I have extensive experience with the following programming languages and frameworks: JavaScript, TypeScript, NodeJS, HTML, CSS, SASS, Express, Serverless, DynamoDB, React, Redux, Redux Toolkit, Ant Design, Angular, Angular Material, TailwindCSS, Bootstrap, Pusher, MySQL, Python, Apache, phpMyAdmin, Java, PHP, Laravel, Jest.
If you appreciate building smooth, dynamic, and scalable websites, do not hesitate to contact me, I am ready to start working immediately.