Hello! I'm Anusa Khadka, a passionate and goal-driven Full Stack Developer. I've spent the last 2 years in the world of JavaScript and its powerful frameworks. Out of these 2 years, I have worked as a Full Stack developer for 1.5 years, working on both the frontend and backend of multiple projects.
On the frontend, I've excelled in creating pixel-perfect designs using ReactJS, NextJS, and AstroJS. Whether it's building sleek web applications or crafting captivating company portfolios, I thrive on turning ideas into interactive reality.
Similarly, in the backend section, I have used the MERN Stack to create RESTful APIs to serve my full-stack web applications.
I like to learn and implement the things I have learned into practical use.
I believe in "Code, connect and conquer", so let's conquer success by connecting through code.