Experience a website from someone who specializes in the following technologies!
🖥️ Web (Frontend and Backend):
✅ PHP, Laravel, WordPress, CodeIgnitor, Zend Framework
✅ NodeJS, ExpressJS, NPM, Yarn, PNPM, PM2, ESLint
✅ Vue.js, React, Redux, Tailwind CSS, Bootstrap
✅ TypeScript, JavaScript, Ajax, jQuery
✅ GraphQL, Apollo GraphQL, REST API
✅ Python, ColdFusion
✅ ChatGPT, GPT-4
✅ Shopify, MailChimp, SendGrid, Zapier, Postmark, HubSpot
✅ AWS, Amazon Route53, Amazon S3, Amazon Lambda
✅ Google Cloud Platform, Firebase, Google Workspace (G Suite)
✅ Git, Github, Gitlab
✅ Jenkins
🖥️ Databases:
✅ MySQL, MariaDB, MS SQL, NoSQL, MongoDB
I aim to provide you with the best service and strive to achieve 100% satisfaction from the work I provide. Looking for a someone to develop or even resolve issues you are having with a current project, let's talk!