Full-Stack web developer with over 6 years of experience. I am working as a Web Developer in a Software Company in our Country. And worked alone on Small and Big Projects. I am skilled in PHP, Laravel, Livewire, Inertia, JavaScript, jQuery, Vue JS, Alpine JS, MYSQL, Bootstrap 5, Tailwind CSS etc. Database (MYSQL). Your Satisfaction is my top priority.
***my services*** **
- Payment Gateway Setup**
- Stripe Payment System
- Square Payment System
- SSLCOMMERZ Payment System
**PHP/Laravel Website Optimize**
- Database Optimize for Speed up.
- Coding Optimize for Speed up.
- Query Optimize for Speed up.
- Image Optimize for Speed up.
- CSS Optimize for Speed up.
- Cache System for Speed up.
**SEO For PHP/Laravel Website**
- Seo Friendly URL
- Generate Sitemap
- Generate RSS Feed Generate
- Schema Markup
- Meta Tags
- H1, H2, H3 Tags
- Setup Google Analytics And i Will Fix Any Bugs and Errors
...............................Your satisfaction is our main goal............................