Design, develop and maintain business services and REST APIs + (Database Connection)
Contribute to all phases of the development cycle
Produce clean, documented and reusable code
Write and maintain tests and technical documentation
Technical Stack :
backEnd :
Java 11
Spring Boot, Cloud(Eureka, Zuul, Hystrix)
Spring Microservices
Spring Data JPA, Spring MVC, Spring REST
Spring Security (Jwt, Openid Oauth2 Keycloak)
Data access layer, (Hibernate Framework)
Database Sql (Sql server, MariaDb)
Clean code and Work with Design patterns and solid principles
Unit Test (Junit5, Mockito), and Code coverage
FrontEnd :
ReactJs or Angular 6+
Redux, axios, Json, Html5, CSS, Typescript, bootstap
Devops side:
- Jenkins, CI/CD pipeline, Docker, Opens