★ Languages: CSharp, JavaScript (ECMAScript) and TypeScript
★ Backend Technologies: ASP.NET Core, ASP.NET MVC and WebAPI, ASP.NET Core Identity, IdentityServer and SSO, ADFS, Firebase, OAuth, JWT, Serilog, RabbitMQ, ASP.NET WebForms, Windows Forms and WPF (MVVM with Prism framework), ExpressJS, NginX and IIS
★ Container Technologies: Docker and Kubernetes (EKS, AKS)
★ DevOps: Azure Pipelines, Helm
★ Testing Frameworks: xUnit, Moq, SpecFlow (BDD)
★ Frontend Technologies: HTML, CSS, jQuery, Bootstrap, ReactJS (MUI and Ant Design)
★ Data Access: T-SQL, ADO.NET, EntityFramework Core, Dapper
★ Databases: Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, MongoDB, DynamoDB, SSIS
★ Reporting Tools: RDLC and Telerik Reports
★ Cloud Platforms: Amazon Web Services (EC2, Lambda, RDS, CloudFront, S3, SES, SNS, ELB, ★CloudFront, NLB, EKS, MediaConvert, CloudWatch, CodeDeploy, DynamoDB, IAM, Rekogition, Textract) and Microsoft Azure (Virtual Machines, App Service, AKS, Azure SQL, Azure ActiveDirectory, Media Services, Azure Functions, Application Insights)
★ Source Control and Project Management: Git, Jira, Azure Boards and Basecamp ★ Operating Systems: Windows Servers and Linux