Hi, I am Amar nath, a Full Stack and Unity developer.
*As for programming languages, I know JavaScript and Nodejs really well, and can write programs in Java and Go (although I’m still learning those languages). I can also read a number of other programming languages.
*Ios third party SDKs: IBM watson,Quick Block,OpenCv,PaymentSDK,Stripe,AdColony,AWS,Facebook,Twitter,Google+,AdMob,Google Map,Playheaven,Chartboost.
*Deep expertise with Unity SDK: Unity3D,Lighting, Texturing, Animation, Animator, Blend Tree, Navmesh, Sound,Physics, Physics2D, Materials, Canvas.
*Unity third party SDKs: IBM Watson, Face recognition, Vuforia,VR Teleporting, HTC vive KIT, Oculus Gear VR, Oculus Rift, Google cardboard, Google Daydream, IAP&Ads services, Leaderboard, Acheivements.
*I also enjoy taking this data driven approach to product development, presently I’m learning about things such as Apache Spark, Kafka, and machine learning, and have recently worked a lot with performance analysis, multiple databases (postgresql, SQL, Mysql, mongodb, etc), GraphQL (an alternative to REST APIs which speeds up product development and stability), and service based architectures (generally partitioned at data/product verticals, rather than micro services
*10+ years developing applications software including Nodejs, IOT, MQTT, IoT Gateways, Sensors,Linux,IOS,Android and Unity
*Excellent working knowledge of an object oriented language (ES6,HTML5, objective C,Java),Swift,JavaScript, C#, C++.