As a web developer with experience in VueJS, NestJS, and Quasar, I am able to offer a wide range of services to clients, including:
Web application development: I can use NestJS to build efficient and scalable server-side applications and VueJS and Quasar to build engaging and dynamic user interfaces. This can include building custom web applications from scratch, or integrating existing systems and APIs.
Website development: I can use NestJS, VueJS, and Quasar to create and maintain websites for clients, including e-commerce sites, portfolio sites, and other types of web-based projects.
Progressive Web App Development: I can use the power of VueJS and Quasar to build progressive web apps that can be accessed offline, faster and on any device.
Cross-platform app development: I can use Quasar to build cross-platform apps that can run on different platforms such as Android, iOS, and desktop.