Full stack web development service based on modern technologies stack
Python (django, flask, aiohttp, telegram bots, telethon)
NodeJs (express, feathers.js, nest.js, sails, koa)
PHP (laravel, code igniter, wordpress)
Top frontend frameworks (Vue.js, React, Angular)
CSS (bootstrap, tailwind)
JavaScript (Vanilla, jQuery)
Databases (mySQL, PostgreSQL, SQLite, noSQL - MongoDB, RethinkDB)
Server administration (Linux, centos, nginx, apache, cpanel, virtualmin)
I have 5 years experience in full stack web development area and solved wide range of tasks as freelancer, from data scrapers dashboards to web traffic controlling systems and calls processing, always doing all the work with own hands, from db modelling to the project deployment so learning new things with each new project.
Currently interested to move more into website development area so looking for interesting projects and gonna work with quite low fee rates. My motivation is to gather some web development rep on this site so i'm highly motivated to provide top quality result for cheap.