Web engineer with 7+ years of commercial Web development experience. Initiative product owner with a proven path in dedicated and leading roles.
Has been working with mostly with JavaScript and PHP in past projects.
Launched several startups, https://web.onstruc.com is last of them. Implemented front and backend with multip-platform API. Used: TypeScript, Express.js, Parse-server, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, Vue.js
Previously Lead Web developer at https://lit.studio creative web studio, got multiple launched eCommerce solutions. Used: PHP, MySql, and lot's of JavaScript.
Founded own online Art Gallery marketplace, didn't survive the pandemic though. Used Laravel, Wordpress, and Vue.js with bunch of JavaScript
Contributed to digital marketing, restaurant management fields and even worked on osCommerce-based CMS for eCommerce. Used: PHP, Laravel
Frontend: Vue, Vuex, Vitest, Vite, Vietify, SVG, GSAP, Tailwind, Sass;
Backend: Node.js, Express.js, Nest.js, Laravel, Symfony, WordPress, TypeScript, GraphQL;
Databases: MongoDB, Elasticsearch, Parse Server, MySQL, Redis;
Hosting: GCP, AWS, DigitalOcean, Cloudways, Back4app, Netlify, Vercel;
Other: Slack, Trello, Figma, PhpStorm, macOS, Docker, Sentry, Testing, ChatGPT;
Last projects
https://web.onstruc.com - frontend, backend, and API with microservices architecture.
https://litnevski.studio - handmade complex visual effects and animations
https://github.com/stanislavkhatko/showcases - my code style