The First Step To Growing A Brand Online Is To Drive Qualified Leads To Your Website Or Mobile App. Having A User-Friendly Experience Is An Important Part Of Any Successful Business Strategy, But Generating Relevant Traffic Is Essential To Having A Strong Conversion Rate.
My team supports your business in the development of the website and applications.
1. Responsive Web Development - React/Node/Next/Express/Magento/WordPress/PHP/Laravel
2. Mobile Development - React native/Android/IOS
3. CMS customization/development - Strapi
4. E-commerce Website Solutions - Magento/woo commerce
Major Programming Stacks:
React.js, Angular, JavaScript with ES6/Typescript, Next.js, Node, PHP, SS/CSS, Material UI, WordPress, PHP, Laravel, Codeigniter, Shopify Responsive designs.Magento technology
MS SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, MS-Access and SQL Azure, Firebase Database, Realm, Oracle, PostgreSQL.
Deployment of applications:
Software development, mobile application development, Hybrid app development (Android, IOS)
Cross-Platform App development:
Technology - React Native and Flutter
Source Controls : GitLab, GitHub Source Gear Vault/Bitbucket
I've been working for more than five years. We are a creative and problem-solving team that enjoys having fun. Let's work together!