Hey, This is Ajeet Thakur. Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, 2005 - 2010 Full Stack Web Developer with 8+ years of experience in designing and developing web application and websites. Enthusiastic about both front-end and back-end, especially full-stack developer(Java | Python | Node | Angular | AWS | GraphQL) web development. I use HTML, CSS, Bootstrap and Javascript to front-end developments on the web, enabling responsive and attractive websites and layouts. ->PHP and MySQL Custom Web Application development front-end I have high-level proficiency in the following programs: ---------------------------------------------I have developed web applications using advanced Backend like------------------------------------------------- core PHP MySQL AWS Aurora AWS RDS PostgreSQL MsSQL JSON in MAMP WAMP XAMPP LAMP Laravel CodeIgniter frameworks My developer expertise includes web application development,data visualization,apache,Stripe payment gateway integration,REST & SOAP API creation and use for small,middle,large business and personal level. I have developed web applications using advanced backend with core PHP,MySQL,AWS Aurora,AWS RDS,PostgreSQL,MsSQL,JSON in MAMP, WAMP,XAMPP,LAMP, Laravel, CodeIgniter frameworks,rich frontend HTML,CSS,AJAX,JavaScript,jQuery, data visualization using AmCharts & Highcharts libraries. My developer expertise includes web application development,data visualization,apache,Stripe payment gateway integrat