I have been working as a full stack web developer for the past 7 years.
I'm using Laravel in the backend for the past 3 years progressing from Plane PHP and CodeIgniter PHP framework. Vuejs being used for past 2 years before then I used jquery and bootstrap for the frontend development. Since had a gradual updation in the technology Im very thorough about all the aspects of the web technologies.
There were multiple Vuejs clients that consumes the API in my application.
One developed within laravel using the laravel-mix and another client acts as a mobile application using cordova. So I am flexible to adopt any pattern.
The vuejs app uses Vuex-orm for state management along with vuex-orm-axios. Vuetify library is used for the UI design.
Laravel server makes use of all major packages like passport auth, laratrust acl etc.
So I think I will be a best fit for your team to complete your work.