Fundraising Services
I am responsible for interacting with clients that are seeking financing for their projects. We work with each client to successfully develop the required documentation to apply and receive financing. this task is delegated to associates. Once approved, we assist the client with closing and then act to support the financing through its entire lifecycle. We ofer thre types of project financing packages: Large Cap Financing; Small Cap Financing and Phimanthropic Financing.
Translation Services
I can provided high quality trans lation due to my education; My cross-cutural experiences through social projects and organizations where I used tobe involved in; my country cultural specification. actutualy Cameroon is the sole bilingual ENG/FR county in the whole Africa like Canada. Plus, I am native french speaking.
Here are key metry of work
- Delevery Time;
- Number of Words
- The number of Revisions
- Proofreading
- Document formatting
- Language Style Guide
- Transcription
- Subtittling