This job is ideal if you're searching for remote sensing and GIS mapping work.I work as a cartographer and GIS professional. I have over ten years of expertise with GIS applications, and I enjoy using data visualization and GIS maps to explain and solve real-world issues.
Services :
- Geo Spatial Analysis
- Land Use Land Cover Mapping
- Time Series Analysis, Change Detection
- Vector & Raster Maps
- Thematic / Choropleth Map
- ACS, NAIP Data (USA)
- Data Visualization (Census, Density, Climate, Population etc.)
- Geocoding
- Data Conversion ,Shapefile, Feature Class, Geodatabase, KML, Coordinate System, Projection etc.
- Digitization + Georeferencing
- Watershed & Viewshed Analysis
- Multi-criteria decision analysis
- Location/Inventory Maps
- Topographic Maps (contour, aspects, shaded relief)
- Network, Cost-Path Analysis
- ArcGIS Geodatabase
- Hydrology