Most people have heard of the term ghostwriting, but few know what it actually is. A ghostwriter has the ability to write in many different ways, and typically has worked in several areas of writing. This insight gives a ghostwriter an edge to write for virtually anyone, on any subject. A ghostwriter, with only a few notes or slight direction can develop a concept, plan, and manuscript to fit your needs. Anything from a short article to a book can be ghostwritten, and in fact some of the most popular books have been ghostwritten such as Hardy Boys, Nancy Drew, and some of the Goosebumps books. Why do people use a ghostwriter? There are many, but often it is the lack of time. You may have an idea that’s been brewing, but you simply don’t have the time to sit down and write. Maybe you find yourself in a writer’s block and need a little boost of a chapter or two. Perhaps, you don’t feel your writing skills are up to par. Or, maybe you have written your book, but want a ghostwriter to improve on it. We, at Brenda Smith Writing Services, have ghostwriters on hand to develop, expand, and put to paper your idea.