Ghostwriter with a fertile mind and fertile imagination. Looking to apply my writing talents to a variety of themes and genres. Excellent at characterization, character development, plot development, plot twists and unconventional endings. In the realm of non - fiction, I am also looking to apply my skills and talents to a variety of themes, topics and niches. Excellent at research and theme development. Narrative, empirical, visceral/emotional and informative/rhetorical forms of non-fiction have been studied and I am ready to make my services available to clients. As a ghostwriter, I understand the level of confidence required to do this job effectively. I am also well aware that for this job that no credit will be given to me for the finished project. As a ghostwriter, I can both work independently of the client or it can be a collaborative effort. I look forward to writing novels, novellas, short stories, poems, songs, speeches at your behest. My services include (but not limited to) My current typing speed is 70 words per minute. This ensures that all my work will be delivered in a timely manner. also, all work is triple proofread and also listened to through a text to speech software, to hear the finished product from a reader besides myself. Thank you!