For articles and other texts, I specialize in transferring your voice and ideas to a more finished form. If English is not your first language, you will like my strong understanding of how you want to say something, even if you give me a not-so-good automatic translation to start from. For transient copy such as timely articles for a website or feed, I can provide quick, ready-to-publish rewrites for content, appeal, form, and correctness. Anything that will have a longer life than that should get no fewer than two drafts before the final copy: One draft for your consideration, the next that incorporates your suggestions, and after you're satisfied a final pass to filter out remaining errors in form or content. Your project, idea, or creation will not become dependent upon me. I leave you with something you can carry forward on your own, or with assistance from elsewhere. If that requires dropping breadcrumbs in files to the side for your later use, I drop them.