A ghostwriter is hired to write literary or journalistic works, speeches, or other texts that are officially credited to another person as the author. What a bland way to represent a ghostwriter, Webster’s Dictionary states... Let’s take a moment and introduce ourselves, my name is Sarah Marie Melland. Ever since I was five years old, I knew I wanted to be a writer. I wrote my first script when I was in 3rd grade about a young child who met her sweetheart and then she finds out she has cancer. Wait...is that My Girl? I might have been the inspiration for My Girl. My first novel I wrote when I was in fifth grade about a big developer who comes to put a parking lot where a school is. Don’t ask me the title of these, but trust me they were prodigious. Do you have an incredibly compelling story you want to tell, but don’t even know where to begin? A book so unbelievably emotional with a little twist on a story that has already been told before? We will brainstorm and extract every ounce of information we possibly can to tell a cohesive tale. Just think of me as your therapist, but not as educated, and more extreme. What are your goals and objectives? Tell me all your wants and needs. What are your expectations, budget, time frame, etc. Typically a 200-page book if working efficiently should only take about three to four months. Then, I will go through and developmental edit to make sure the sound and story match your needs and wants. Unlike a typical ghostwriter, I like to work closely with you to get a feel for your voice and what you truly want. We can bounce ideas off each other, collaborate on the tone you are looking to set, fixate on a page-turning structure, and the development of layered characters. Let’s do this!