Design GPON, GEPON, 10G-PON, 10G-EPON, any FTTx (FTTH, FTTC) FO network in private sector (townhouses, cottages, suburb, villages, townships, zones with private houses, etc. ) - the design one or more PON, i. e. one or more fiber link connection to OLT (Optical Line Terminal) for 64 or 128 clients on each connection - depend on your selected (chose) technology and equipment vendor list.
The price is for one PON. You can order more PON also, the price will increase accordingly.
Main service tier:
START only = 40 USD _ up to 7 days
I will provide information for FO cable mounting works, maps and cables directions scheme, where will has point out the PLC splitters and muffs (FOSC - Fiber Optic Splice Closure) positions and clients connections directions (include splitters connections directions) also.
Other services tiers:
STANDART (including START) - After you confirm the possibility of the cable mounting scheme (START) I will provide scheme for FO fibers splicing works (in muffs and on client side if it is necessary). Other info for building PON network.
80$ _ up to 14 day
PRO - (including all) - All info included in STANDART + I will make research for cable, equipment, devices manufactures and provide full consulting for you for building you PON network.
180$ _ up to 30 day