Responsible for writing proposals for both unrestricted operating revenue and restricted projects and for submitting timely and accurate reports for all existing grant funded projects. MAJOR RESPONSIBILITIES: * Perform prospect research on foundations and corporations to evaluate prospects for corporate and foundation grants. * Work with finance to gather information necessary to report to corporate/foundation funders on current grant programs. * Comply with all grant reporting as required by foundation/corporate donors. * Provide stewardship to current donors, including work with Grants & Research Manager to provide regular written updates (newsletters etc) to corporate and foundation donors. * Understanding of institutional history and programs. * Make appointments for VP Development and Grants and Research Manager with foundation officers and other prospects, arrange for onsite tours for supporters (foundation officers, foundation trustees). * Maintain current records in database and in paper files, including grant tracking and reporting. * Track statistics relevant to development and provide department with written materials necessary for donor stewardship (visitor number and diversity, educational program attendance, etc). * Work with Grants & Research Manager to provide development input for all written institutional materials (including Annual Report, Member magazine). KNOWLEDGE & SKILLS: - Strong written communication skills; ability to write clear, structured, articulate, and persuasive proposals. - Strong editing skills. - Attention to detail. - Ability to meet deadlines. - Knowledge of fundraisin