I am a freshly graduate Software Engineer, holding the National Engineering degree from INSAT, one of the top engineering universities in my country Tunisia. Passionate with colors and designs, I am making a great shift in my career path; from mathematical formulas and neural networks to graphic design, illustrations, and visual branding. Through hard work and perseverance, I mastered Adobe Illustrator CS6, Adobe Photoshop CC 2015, and Adobe InDesign CC 2019. Thanks to my engineering background, I am also comfortable working with HTML 5, CSS 3, JS, and Microsoft Office 365. I have experience with web design and web development, where I have been working with WordPress and Wix. My experience as a data science researcher helped me improve my analytical skills and academic writing in English. I am comfortable working online and working on projects with professionals from different countries (French, Malaysians, etc.). Self-discipline to meet deadlines and the eye for small details were skills that I also improved through experience.