My name is Tasos and I was born in Athens, Greece. Web design started to attract me when I first experienced the web and it's changes back in the day, when it started growing quite fast and you could see these changes taking place day by day, whether it was new web standards, or tools that were becoming available and greatly helped the evolution of the graphics sector. I was taking part in web communities and forums, so seing all these forum signatures / forum themes or elements (buttons / logos) got me going on searching how I could create these and by which methods. I immediately started learning Adobe Photoshop by following plenty of tutorials I found on major tutorial sites on the web, and soon enough I had my own signature and forum which helped me on the long term to get even more involved. After becoming more familiar with the program itself but also the aesthetics of web design, animated graphics started attracting me even more. After following the same technique, I started learning how to animate using Adobe Image Ready which was available back then. Buttons and affiliate logos in my forum were replaced by animated ones which made the web feel more alive. And right on time, when I was started noticing that Image Ready was a bit limiting in what you could do with it I found an animation created by Alan Becker, in 2006. A mind blowing animation called Animator vs. Animation which introduced me in Macromedia Flash and now Adobe Flash. By 2007 I was selling my own flash animations and projects in a well known stock flash site - FlashDen which is now named ActiveDen. In 2010 I attented to a Public Univercity in Greece, on the Technological and Programming department and gratuaded in summer 2012. Below you will find my software