Hi, my name is Jennifer and I am happy to be here and work with you. I am Homemaker and mother of two teenage and young adult children. I am a homeschooling mom and am active in a lot of youth activities and co-op areas. I am also in the process of studying and learning more about graphic design and freelancing digital services. I am very creative in several ways and enjoy designing and making all kinds of artwork. My interests are expanding to more digital platforms, woodworking, gardening, outdoor / nature and exploring activities, and adventures, travelling with my family, volunteering in the church community, and learning new skills as much as I have time. I spend some of my time learning entrepreneur and self contracting in my future goals and I explore on Youtube, Fiverr, and other freelance platforms. I have spent some time a few years back making mock websites and learning my way around site building, so I understand some about all the hard work that goes into this type of work. I love my children and they are always my high priority in life and working towards providing a better future for them including my own success in financial goals. Right now we are falling on hard times in finances and I need to step up my game to provide and cover the bills, so I pray that this work will help fill in the gaps between my education and getting my own freelancing business up and running successfully. I appreciate any opportunities that come my way and I will give 100% towards meeting the desired goals and services I provide.