Hi I am expert in graphic designing. Proficient at hand coding HTML5/XHTML & CSS3/CSS for: Front End Web Development or App Interfaces. Microsites, Campaign Landing Pages or Email Marketing Campaigns to W3C and WAI standards Coding Custom Layouts & Themes for Wordpress/CMS from PSD's. In addition i can hand code custom breakpoints with Media Queries for better mobile support when needed. Experienced in Responsive and Adaptive Frameworks such as GetSkeleton, Twitter Bootstrap & Foundation. Experienced in setting up WordPress CMS sites in responsive frameworks using Reverie Framework and configuring necessary plugins for E-Commerce/portfolio/e-zine functionality. Make websites more Mobile Friendly/Compliant by implementing CSS3 Media Queries, and substituting Flash content for more HTML5/jQuery/JS interactive content. Researching/sourcing plugins (jQuery/Ajax/CSS3/HTML5) for prototyping UI/UX storyboards or specifications where needed for Progressive Enhancement scenario's. Thanks